Low-Fat Vegan Diet and the Amount of Food Eaten
Дата публікації допису: May 08, 2015 5:35:26 PM
When people switch to a low-fat high-carb vegan diet they often seem to be making one critical mistake: not eating enough food. This picture demonstrates what it can lead to, especially if coupled with strenuous exercise program. You can read more about this story here.
Low-fat vegan food intake may look massive, but the real reason behind this, is the low caloric density of the foods eaten (mainly due to the high amounts of dietary fiber and relatively low fat content). The video below shows the amount of this type of food that a person can eat. Although it does not mean that you have to do exactly the same, and having a variety in your diet would be important, it still demonstrates an important point: you have to eat enough, which probably means you have to eat more than you think is necessary. By the way, does the man in this video who is eating so much look fat to you? To me he doesn't look fat at all, and also he looks quite happy and content ... Anyway, if you like the video, share your thoughts with everyone.
Another video, watch it, especially 2:39 - 6:39 minutes. Keep in mind, this is corn pasta, not wheat pasta (why this is important we will discuss latter, in short it has to do in part with the glycemic index).